There is no better way to celebrate NSW Youth Week than by attending a FREE youth concert at North Sydney, ShoreShocked 2019!
This year’s ShoreShocked is happening on 13 April 2019 from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the St Leonards Park.
Since April of 2009, neighbouring councils such as the North Sydney Council, Ku-Ring-Gai Council, Lane Cove Council, Mosman Council, Hunters Hill Council, City of Ryde, Willoughby City Council, and the Northern Beaches Council, partner up to celebrate Youth Week by having a music festival that is open for all ages.
ShoreShocked brings together some of Australia’s best musicians to provide an unforgettable music festival experience for all. This year’s lineup include Japanese Wallpaper, Waax, Tyne-James Organ, Kota Banks, Erthlings, Sports, Bra, and ShoreShocked Battle of the Bands 2019 winners: Scoot the Loot and the Last Thursday.

Other Activities
ShoreShocked is an all day event filled with exciting activities that you and your friends can enjoy. Come in early and check out some of the featured market stalls for some amazing finds.
If you are interested and available in helping out at ShoreShocked 2019, you may send in your details here. With a number activities and expected guests for the festival, volunteers are very much appreciated by the managing team.
Photographers and videographers are also welcomed to join in at the press pit for ShoreShocked 2019. By being part of the official press team of the event, you get to have an all access pass at the pit and also at the backstage. Limited passes are available. You may apply for a press pass by typing in your details here.

Time to mark your calendars for this year’s ShoreShocked! Click here to register your free tickets to avoid the long queue at the venue.
For more information about ShoreShocked 2019, you may visit their official webpage or their Facebook page.